Miscommunication within a cell or between cells is a common cause of disease. Mixed messages and altered signals can result from biochemical contaminants as well as electromagnetic interference. Most people scan down a list of potential adverse health effects to see if a toxin can cause cancer. The risk of developing a chronic inflammatory condition such as autoimmune disease or a hormonal disorder like diabetes doesn’t raise the hair up on most people’s necks like the thought of potentially getting cancer. Read More
Tag: health
Careful! Don’t Mistakenly Poison Yourself at Home
The American Medical Association (AMA) disseminated several media reports, including this AP news report describing a disturbing national increase in the number of accidental poisonings of adults and children in the US. The authors believe these incidents are related to the use of disinfection products in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More
Can’t Sleep? It Might be EMF
This is the 2nd in a six part blog series on the health effects of electromagnetic frequency (EMF). In the first post, I described thermal related health effects from EMF. Read More
An Introduction to EMF: Basic Cell Phone and Tablet Precautions
Everyone everywhere interacts with EMF everyday. Radio waves, microwaves, wifi, and sunlight are all everyday examples of EMF. These bandwidths of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exist on a continuum spanning from extremely low frequency (ELF) waves to X-rays and gamma radiation with higher frequencies harnessing greater energy. Read More
Can Apple Cider Vinegar Reverse Cholesterol Plaque Build-up?
Disease from too much AND too little cholesterol
I am often asked if drinking dilute apple cider vinegar can lower cholesterol. Yes. I believe this is worth consideration. Read More
Tide Pods, a Magnetic Laundry System, or the EcoWasher?
A magnetic laundry system, the EcoWasher, or Tide pods? Doing the laundry isn’t a task I particularly enjoy. It is one of those time consuming chores I continually struggle with to fit into my schedule. And now that my kids are teenagers, the laundry needs to be done 4 or 5 times a week. My interest in the technology behind washing textiles however picked up recently after I was introduced to two methods of laundering clothes without detergent, the magnetic laundry system and the EcoWasher. Read More