Category: Foundations

Dr. Rob Authors a Study on Radiofrequency Radiation on Main Street, PA

Dr. Rob is pleased to announce the publication of an “Assessment of radiofrequency radiation intensity on 35 Main Streets throughout Pennsylvania, USA during the fall of 2021”, in the American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review (AJMRR). In it, he says:

The goal of this project was to survey outdoor exposure intensity levels shoppers and pedestrians may have been exposed to while walking down a “Main Street” in 35 towns and cities within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and to see if radiation intensity correlates more closely to population density and urbanization, or to the presence of 5G/4G LTE small cell antennas.

It’s an important topic that affects all of us. To read it in full, see here..

Dr. Rob Covers PFAS Hazards on Physician Outlook

If you’ve ever wondered about the safety of your food packaging — the material that helps popcorn pop, keeps your microwave pizzas from getting soggy, and surrounds your candy bar treat — you’ll want to read Dr. Rob’s thoughts on PFAS on Physician Outlook:

I watched as my cousin poured lemonade into a paper cup and handed it to her son. Then, my daughter’s friend took a chocolate bar out of a bag. She carefully unwrapped the obviously melted candy and held it up to her mouth. I watched with a little apprehension as she pushed her jaw forward and carefully scraped the melted chocolate off the wrapper, being careful not to get the messy goop on her chin.

Years ago, I didn’t think twice about such common behavior. I never questioned why paper cups don’t actually get wet when they are filled with water (or any liquid) or whether or not it was safe to eat stuck candy from a wrapper. In fact, I remember that I used to occasionally chew candy wrappers during childhood. But now, I am more aware of the industrial processes that are used to create everyday products.  Paper cups, food wrappers, and containers often contain toxic, bio-persistent compounds collectively referred to as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), chemicals that have been produced in the US since the 1940s.

Consider it required reading for keeping a safe, nurturing home. Read it here.

Dr. Rob Covers PFAS Hazards on Physician Outlook #2

If you’ve ever wondered about the safety of your food packaging — the material that helps popcorn pop, keeps your microwave pizzas from getting soggy, and surrounds your candy bar treat — you’ll want to read Dr. Rob’s thoughts on PFAS on Physician Outlook:

I watched as my cousin poured lemonade into a paper cup and handed it to her son. Then, my daughter’s friend took a chocolate bar out of a bag. She carefully unwrapped the obviously melted candy and held it up to her mouth. I watched with a little apprehension as she pushed her jaw forward and carefully scraped the melted chocolate off the wrapper, being careful not to get the messy goop on her chin.

Years ago, I didn’t think twice about such common behavior. I never questioned why paper cups don’t actually get wet when they are filled with water (or any liquid) or whether or not it was safe to eat stuck candy from a wrapper. In fact, I remember that I used to occasionally chew candy wrappers during childhood. But now, I am more aware of the industrial processes that are used to create everyday products.  Paper cups, food wrappers, and containers often contain toxic, bio-persistent compounds collectively referred to as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), chemicals that have been produced in the US since the 1940s.

Consider it required reading for keeping a safe, nurturing home. Read it here.

Wondering About the Safety of Your Well Water?

well water safety

If you’ve been worrying about your well water safety, here’s where to start.

Whereas the recipient of municipal water is dependent on the utility company and government regulation for the quality of their water, the owner of a private well has the sole responsibility of ensuring the cleanliness of the water source. Typically, a well owner should assess water quality every year. Potential contaminants for a private well are the same as those for ground water in general and include hydrogen sulfide (sulfur), salt, and organic compounds, including methane gas, petroleum products, pesticides, fertilizers, biological wastes, septic system contaminants, and bacteria.

One of the benefits of well water is that it’s free, aside from the energy required to run the pump and the materials needed for disinfection. But water analysis can be pricey, depending on which contaminants are surveyed. (Here’s what the CDC says about it.) If your well water is contaminated, remediation may or may not be possible. For example, ground water contaminated by saline can be very difficult to remedy. Perhaps the greatest potential hazard for well water safety is the presence of methane gas. If your well water contains dissolved methane gas, you need to install a special venting system for the water to prevent a possible explosion.

There are a few things you can do to help protect your well water safety. First of all, make sure that your septic system is distant enough from the well, and if you have livestock make sure their wastes are deposited far from the well head. Although many well owners install chlorination systems, it is best to limit the exposure of your water to this source of potential pathogens. While maintaining your property, try not to use any pesticides, fertilizers, or herbicides in the vicinity of your well head. Conventional pesticide and fertilizer residues can leach into the water table and persist for decades!

Here’s a similar consideration of the issues concerning the safety of tap water.

How I Choose the Safest Sunscreen for My Family

I waited.

“Dad, it’s a process,” my daughter said. She took the caps off each appealingly labelled product and sniffed. “This one smells like the beach!”

I took a whiff and smiled. “Yes. It does.”

Then I muttered something about chemicals as we made our way to the register.

Every spring, I review the Environmental Working Group’s sunscreen review and order a product I consider safer and more effective than the commercial brands available in most retail stores. This year, though, I forgot the sunscreen. Which meant my daughter and I headed into the shops.

What I saw there confirmed my suspicions: products focused on hyped-up marketing claims, with dubious ingredients. It used to be that you could walk into any beach store and buy sunscreen products from a variety of vendors, with an SPF of 2 through 15. Then, 30 came out … then 45, then 50, 60. Now, there are sunblocks claiming an SPF of 100!

Sunscreen is convenient, smells good, and looks clean, especially when it blends in, allowing your natural skin to show through. In today’s culture, an uncovered body at the beach, glistening in the sun, is much more alluring than one cloaked in a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and a hat. Even though the latter is much more effective at blocking the sun’s potentially damaging rays, sunscreen is clearly most people’s choice.

It is important, though, to understand how sunscreen can potentially damage your body while it protects your skin. The skin is alive. It is our body’s largest organ — and we need to protect it. Sunscreens can help do that, by blocking a small bandwidth of electromagnetic radiation from reaching and harming your skin. That bandwidth — and the effectiveness with which they can achieve this protection — are specific to each product. But sunscreens touting an SPF are designed to block the ultraviolet blue-B (UV-B) frequencies. Broad-spectrum products block a wider swath of UV radiation, including both the UV-B and UV-A bandwidths.

Without that protection, with increasing sun exposure, your risk for sunburn increases. Unfortunately, unpredictable effects, referred to as stochastic effects, also occur with increasing exposure, which can include the development of cancer.

It can be a balancing act, though, because while sunscreen can help protect your skin, many sunscreens do so through the use of chemicals. Skin absorbs many materials applied to its surface, which can enter the bloodstream and affect the body’s function. Chemicals used in personal care products, including sunscreen, can affect the endocrine system and throw your hormones off kilter. We slather this liquid all over our bodies, and if following directions, repeat application several times a day. By the end of a beach vacation week, you have undoubtedly absorbed a heck of a lot of toxins through your skin, depending on the product(s) you used each day.

That’s why I consult the EWG every spring and choose one of their recommended sunscreens.The EWG considers zinc oxide and titanium dioxide as the safest sunscreen ingredients to effectively block UV-B radiation. The EWG even considers nanoparticles of these compounds as safe for skin application, since the nanoparticles aren’t apparently absorbed into the skin, at least according to blood tests. From my experience though, blood tests don’t usually tell the whole story. Toxins can bioaccumulate in the body’s tissues without continuously circulating in the blood, where it can be extracted during a blood test. The detrimental environmental impact of nanoparticles is another matter you may wish to consider before choosing a product utilizing this technology.

Which SPF to Choose?

We’ve been trained to look for the highest possible SPF. I think the general, nonscientific consensus is that if you want to protect yourself from sunburn, you want the higher number — because in Western culture, more is better. But a super-high SPF is no guarantee of protection. You have no doubt witnessed people at the beach or the pool spraying on a product touting an SPF 50, missing large swaths of their skin surface, only to have angry red splotches and bands of sunburn at the end of the day.

When some people apply a sunscreen of 50 or 60, they think they can spend the whole day out in the sun, completely protected from damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun. But they aren’t. Although most of the discussion re: skin cancer is centered over our exposure to ultraviolet light, some believe that all frequencies of electromagnetic radiation can have biological effects and in excess can cause skin damage, including cancer formation. And, by the way, I’m one of them. You have no doubt heard that melanoma can occur between your toes and in other parts of your body where the sun don’t shine!

What I Recommend

Taking antioxidants such as 1000 mg Vitamin C twice a day is a great supplement that can help rid your body of unwanted potentially damaging compounds brought from excessive sun exposure. In addition to taking antioxidants, I do recommend you wear sunscreen if you plan to spend an extended amount of time in the summer sun. Check out the Environmental Working Group’s sunscreen list. See how your usual product rates and then choose from among the many brands they deem safe. I personally like thinksport for lip protection and sunumbra for body and face. But, there are many excellent brands to choose from.

I believe SPF choice is personal and dependent on skin type. I personally wear a sunscreen with a lower SPF because I like to feel the sun’s intensity so I can better judge when I’ve had enough and need to either head inside, or go under cover. Regardless of the SPF you choose, if you are going to be spending the whole day out in the sun at the beach or elsewhere, bring an umbrella, a hat, sunglasses, and perhaps long-sleeve clothing to cover up in when you’ve had enough sun exposure. Plan to spend at least part of the day under cover. Giraffes do it, so can we!