New VP Position with Environmental Health Trust and Other Updates

I have very exciting news to share with all of you! Although I haven’t written a blog or newsletter in quite a while, I have been very busy these past couple of years. For someone who attempts to educate the public on ways to maintain health, it has been a tough time to be vocal without getting in the ring and facing harsh adversity. The public excoriation of alternative health care providers – and general mistrust of traditional health care – has left many confused. At times, I have been confused as well.

Instead of putting my thoughts “out there”, I took the time to learn and write… not blogs, but a book.  I have found the topic of my study, the health effects of electromagnetic fields and wireless communication, to be quite scary. During the writing process, I came to realize that the limited distribution of my eventual book would not have a significant impact on the overwhelming din created by the wireless industry. Smart homes, ear pods, Wi-Fi, 5G… we have filled our world with radiation. WTF?!

I meditated, or if you will, prayed, for a door to open to help me get this information out to the masses.

When our then Attorney General, Josh Shapiro, announced his candidacy for PA Governor, I was thrilled that someone genuine and motivated by goodness could potentially run our state. I vied for a spot in his administration as Health Secretary. Although I believe I came close to receiving the appointment, the democratic process played out, and an applicant already established in the health department pipeline was selected for the position.

I must admit it was disappointing, but I knew I had helped Josh’s campaign, and was pleased to receive an invitation to the inauguration. Everything happens for a reason. Patience leads to an understanding of why things evolve as they do. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I never would have been able to fund my kid’s college tuition if I had been appointed to that position. And not only that, within a month of inauguration, the train derailment in East Palestine, OH occurred, spewing toxic gas and liquids into Eastern OH and Western PA. Working for the health department certainly would have been rewarding, but it would have literally diffused my energy directed at reducing the ubiquity of EMFs and instead required my attention to all aspects of public health.

Instead, I took time to further research, write, and finish my second book. During the search for endorsements, I sent a copy of the manuscript to Dr. Devra Davis, Ph.D., MPH, an epidemiologist and public health expert and founder of an impactful nonprofit think tank named Environmental Health Trust (EHT), which I have referenced in numerous prior blogs. Dr. Davis agreed to endorse the book and extended her support, friendship, and an offer to be a scientific advisor in her organization. I was thrilled!

Devra and I worked closely for months and I became smitten by her genius, elegance, professionalism, and bravery. She entrusted me to proofread her manuscript for the updated version of Disconnect, an exposé on the hazards of cell phone radiation, and the corruption of the wireless industry and our government regulators. The book is excellent and I highly suggest you read it! Frank Clegg, the former president of Microsoft Canada, and a board member for EHT, wrote the preface.

After Devra’s recent decision to step down as President of EHT in June 2024, the board gave careful consideration to organizational restructuring. Kent Chamberlin, Ph.D., a professor emeritus and past chairman of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Hampshire, has been appointed the new President and yours truly the Vice President of Scientific Research and Clinical Affairs. Other VPs will lead different branches of the organization, including Theodora Scarato, MSW and Executive Director emerita, who has worked with Devra for years and helped position the organization as a recognized leader and reputable source for scientific research and policy information. I am thrilled at the prospect of working with this highly qualified team to have a wide-reaching global impact.

In my role as VP, I will be directing the scientific efforts for EHT, which will focus on measurable forms of energetic toxicity, and in particular, electro-magnetic fields and wireless communication radiation. I will write a blogs and newsletters from that may or may not be related to EMFs. When I will release my book with the working title: UnPlug, you will certainly receive word it is available. Thank you all for your continued interest in my work.

Yours in good health,